
Data-driven beekeeping for productivity and sustainability

HiveScale will help you evaluate the strength of a colony and take advantage of peak blooming periods. Are you ready to mitigate risks and increase honey yield?

Boost yield Calculate your ROIbeehive

Our mission is enabling bees to share knowledge with humans through real-time data.

A beekeper, beehive scale, and a bee nesting on a flower
How it works

Just 3 steps towards strong colonies & more honey


Quick and easy installation

HiveScale is geared up and ready to go out-of-the-box. Our modular design allows a beekeeper to install them without a helper in minutes. You'll receive an activation email with thorough instructions after shipping.

BeeSage smart beehive scale
BeeSage web app interface


Capture the right time

Take advantage of peak blooming periods during the active season. Know with certainty, which apiary you should visit on a given day, through your BeeSage dashboard. Keep an eye on the colony during overwintering and at times of nectar dearth.


Get critical notifications

Receive critical alerts about events such as nectar flow, swarming and theft. Keep a record of your seasonal activities and analyse historical data. Bid farewell to worrisome days of uncertainty about colony health and productivity.

BeeSage mobile app interface
Smart devices

Your beehive monitoring system

weightAmbient TemperatureGPS Coordinates


  • Web app
  • Hourly telemetry data
  • FREE SIM card
sensor node
soundIn-hive TemperatureIn-hive Humidity

HiveNode (coming soon)

  • Web app
  • Sound monitoring
  • FREE SIM card


  • Beehive weight
  • 24h weight change

  • Ambient temperature
  • Map with location (safe from theft)
  • Critical alerts
  • Web app (mobile-friendly)

  • Works with any hive
  • FREE SIM card

    (data usage included)

  • CSV/XLS/XLSX data export

  • Rechargeable battery

    (USB charger included)

  • Weatherproof and stable against wind
Real-time data

Simple and intuitive web app


But what do our customers say?

Photo of a customer 1
“HiveScale helps me evaluate nectar flow and plan my immediate tasks.”
Photo of a customer 2
“This beehive monitoring system helps me notice the acceleration of nectar flow and plan honey harvesting.”
Photo of a customer 3
“BeeSage tells me if I have honey to harvest. It reduced my visits to the apiary while boosting yield by 10-20%.”
Photo of a customer 4
“Telemetry data from the beehive allows me to monitor the colony remotely and tells me when to add supers.”
hourglass icon

Capture the right time for actions

Take advantage of peak blooming periods during the active season to yield more honey.

honeycomb icon

Maximise production

Evaluate the strength of a colony and make sure they are ready for major nectar flow.

bottle icon

Gain insights from precise data

Optimise your workflow, keep track of your results, and eliminate unnecessary trips to the apiary.

alert icon

Get critical notifications

Receive your weekly report by email, as well as alerts for unexpected changes like beehive removal.

Questions? Suggestions? Get in touch!

Our modular beehive monitoring system boosts productivity and honey yield to benefit the Earth through data-driven beekeeping. This proprietary hardware and software helps beekeepers mitigate risks and enable informed decisions, while turning every apiary into a weather station.